
Showing posts from January, 2006

Quote of the Day

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing. Anais Nin

The Indescribable Feeling

What is an indescribable feeling? Is it truly indescribable? Or is it a feeling that you get when, someone you love you see only half an inch? What is an indescribable feeling? Is it truly indescribable? Or is it something that you feel as someone, you see holding hands with anyone other than you? What is an indescribable feeling? Is it truly indescribable? Or a sudden outburst of contempt mixed, with jealousy over something none of your concern? What is an indescribable feeling? Is it truly indescribable? Or is it the joy of hearing that the aisle belongs to no one but you, only to be disappointed? What is an indescribable feeling? Is it truly indescribable? Or is it the blend between hatred and love, as love being true and hatred the truth but nay, here i am?

Crying Child

Father God, I thank you for this weary soul that in times of dire need I will seek your face more that these times I may come to your presence. Father God, I thank you that I am placed in this world of suffering that through all these be your greater good thy Kingdom and thy Glory be seen up high upon the very nature of man your throne resides Father God, I thank you for this sinful self not in every possible way a mocking entity but to show people that thou art forgiving and merciful upon the final light be my heart saved Father God, I thank you once again for this weary soul that in times like this my body cries out father! father! How I long and thirst for your goodness upon whom my all fail


I remember vividly of those days we laughed at jokes and rejoiced in truths of how the ancient cock crowed and the sandy sea splashed. I remember the news that was brought home, was something I could look forward to news were different there and then more happy than it is now and near. Then I remember, the day this is the sighs that came out from mouths aloud, mourning silently for someone afar poor piety people across the masked moor. It was too this day I remember the lights are dauntingly dimmed mockingly masquerading the serene dead lo and behold the future of what seemed left. As I remember vividly of those days how I wish were mine peacefully paranomic and picturesque good news of raving rarity.


I used to see a bottle of fragrance, hanging without scent a bottle significant to many too few to register. I used to see a bottle slowly shineth, of bright silence time will stop of day despise too smart to die. I used to see a bottle found useful, of hope and trust denied of the twelve ticks too long hath passeth. Now I see the bottle still up high on shelf, untouched and mysterious owned by the lucky yearned by the unfortunate.

To Laugh at Tears

I want to laugh at the tears I shed I seek emptiness Joy amidst pain, the turmoil that brews delight. I want to laugh at the silence I kept I seek meaningless Crude awakening, the faith that binds man to man. I want to laugh at the heart I knew I seek in vain Deafening roar of complete surrender, coldness of immobilizing sadness. I want to laugh at the tears I shed I seek emptiness The stars I see entwined such high make me forget my Earth.

The Fallen Angel

Torn Wings, Blemished toes, to describe a fool that hath all but brewed rows. Naked clothings, serene fury, to name a child of wise plans and a silly heart. Twinkling of stars, twitching of smiles, to mark a scar of coldness poured in vanity. Torn wings, blemished toes, to remind a fool, of a determined damsel.