This is one of those times that I can really feel like crying but then I cannot. Sometimes it hurts real bad if you're suddenly disappointed. The feeling is like that of being on top of a ladder, enjoying a picturesque and panaromic view and then out of a sudden the ladder gives in to your weight, fall sideways and you come crashing down to good-old Earth. Sometimes it can be much higher still. Maybe on top of a building. Or clouds perhaps. But all these do matter not. Whether or not you die after you crashed or just suffer from few minor blemishes, you have fallen still, short of what you expect to have before all the hopes come crashing down with the disappointment leading the way. It is sad. Yes it is. But you ask yourself while typing this down with trembling fingers - Is it worth the toil of your heart when many other things are waiting for you up there? If only you can just stand up, take a deep breath, take hold of the fallen ladder and lean it up against the wall again, you...
your LITERARY DIET is good....
rock on man!!!