
Showing posts from October, 2006

I am a man on the road

Your Driving is: 72% Male, 28% Female According to studies, you generally drive like a typical male. You're confident in your driving skills, and hardly any situation gets the better of you. And while you may have a few tickets under your belt, you're still a very good driver. Do You Drive Like a Guy or a Girl? Do you think I am? LMAO...

Winter Sun

The gulf of difference between you and me is like the winter sun and snow the light seems to dance invitingly amidst deadly rays it throws The gulf of difference between you and me is not unlike the kindest of flame of water sought to tame a tree and fire thus to consume thee The gulf of difference between you and me is somewhat cruel to our destiny for I see the winter sun warmingly describe, despise and devastate me The gulf of difference between you and me is like the winter sun and snow none can stand without or alone or apart or same as time can show

Sinner's Guilt

Time can be as bad as it can be when you think it is not it strikes hard and cold and heartless without soul and you think that time can change beyond the times that so many thought would, but time can suddenly change as abruptly as your mood and mine as frequently as the days that brought time and time as a consequent of sorrow. Ah, there are times when time is good however few it seems to me now I believe there are those few within my grasp but out of touch of the flimsy grip I once held firm, but time can change to brew the feeling of sorrow and hatred and cease but one and the same you and you the sinner's guilt I loathe.


I am playing FIFA WORLD CUP 2006 in the comfort of my own room and couldn't help thinking about a very serious question - Why do people play computer games? Now the reason I ask that question is not because I am happily enjoying and winning the game, rather I am beaten by the computer-controlled Germany 2-0. Now I am not a sore loser of any sort. I am merely frustrated by the fact that I didn't do a single thing about this addiction of mine even though I know of the inevitable truth behind computer games. Now games like this in particular, or each and everyone of those games you can find in the market are cheaters . Listen to me before you decide whether or not the flask of hot water beside you is going to end up all over my head - they are cheaters because they control your enjoyment. Every minute is spent by a random gamer in a random game trying to beat the game without knowing that the game is actually been programmed in such a way that it can be extremely easy to beat em...

Regretful Dominion

I see the tears an angel cries alone she weeps aloud and tries so hard to remember her sins she and the world had long forseen. I see the tears an angel cries is no more comes the night so silent and dreadful that seems deafening and peaceful. I see the tears an angel cries without the tears alas the feet are sore from the walk of only crossroads and faults. I see the tears an angel cries and near the darkness hold her sighs for she tires from the flight between the plain and the blight. I see the tears an angel cries only a thousand more of years to dry but a day she only has for flowers and sunshine was.

The Case of the Putrid Pauper 2

Now the Putrid Pauper walks along a desolate pavement but on either sides are trees so green they seem fake. He pauses a moment to catch his breath by the river bank, yes I did not mention it just now but he is, so he is at the river bank, catching his breath. Now just by the river bank he is resting he sees a small girl sitting there and staring out at the river. He follows the gaze to find himself staring at fishes dotted almost along the shore at the opposite side of the river. Behind and above the river are dandelions and primroses dancing in the weak wind. Far up high in the sky is the evening sun which emits a majestic yellow light which seems to swallow the shadow he can only see at night. The heat is not unbearable but rather quite pleasant. He begins to feel happy and sing. Then the small girl turns to him and says, "Isn't this a beautiful sight?" "Yes it is" "I know, I always sit here" "But why? Don't you have anything else to do?...